Print World not held this year
It is with regret that We have to inform the exhibitors, visitors, sponsors and all others that the Print World 2016 Trade Show will not be held on November 19 to 21st. Due to many unfortunate circumstances that were not in our control, We have had to made this hard decision. Please respond to email if you require further information on when the show will be held. Again, For updated on when show will be held. We are deeply sorry for the hardship and inconvenience this has caused.
Our 2016 seminar program will help you prosper

Print World 2016 announces its seminar series. From sales strategies to mergers and acquisitions, to packaging printing tips, the topics reflect what's important now.

Register for Print World today. All seminars are free to Print World attendees.

Frank Romano
Frank Romano

Seminar S1
The future of print in North America

Frank Romano, professor emeritus from RIT

Sunday, Nov. 20, 10:30 a.m.

Frank Romano will focus his address on The Future of North American Printing. He’ll look at the past and future of print in a digital age, review the state of the industry, and cover new print technology from litho to nanographic methods.

Bonny Koabel
Bonny Koabel

Seminar S2
How to get government funding for your printing business

Bonny Koabel, president of AKR Consulting Canada

Sunday, Nov. 20, 12:30 p.m

Every year governments at all levels give out millions of dollars to companies via grants, subsidies, tax credits and refunds. Bonny Koabel, president of AKR Consulting Canada, will be your guide through the government maze. Bringing years of experience to the task, including several years applying for funding at a flexo narrow web label printer, she will go over what’s available, tell you how you can qualify for funding, and offer strategies for dealing with arcane rules.

Sean Cavanagh
Sean Cavanagh

Seminar S3
What is your printing business worth

Sean Cavanagh, noted author and expert in mergers and acquisitions

Sunday, Nov. 20, 2:00 p.m.

Do you dream of selling your company and retiring? If you haven’t positioned your business for the 21st century marketplace, you may be in for a shock because the rules have changed.

In this crucial seminar, Sean Cavanagh, managing director of First Servant Capital Corporation and noted author, will explain the new rules of engagement. He’ll show you how to valuate your company, maximize your corporate value, and make buyers compete for your business.

Jay Mandarino
Jay Mandarino

Seminar S4
How to sell printing in a competitive market

Jay Mandarino, President and CEO of The C.J. Group of Companies

Monday, Nov. 21, 12:30 p.m.

With a unique perspective on what makes for successful sales, Jay Mandarino, president and CEO of The C.J. Group of Companies, will go over the strategies that have made his company successful, provide insight into what today’s print buyers want, and outline how he’s been able to find opportunities in the market.

Mandarino started out on the sales side as a print broker and over the years, has been through all the great times and the challenging times.  Through it all, Mandarino and his team have grown sales every year for the last 10 years, despite a tough Toronto market.

Jeff Uzbalis
Jeff Uzbalis

Seminar S5
How to make money in wide format

Jeff Uzbalis, a wide-format applications specialist at 3M

Monday, Nov. 21, 2:00 p.m.

This seminar is right on point for today’s market where printers are seeking new opportunities. Jeff Uzbalis, a wide-format applications specialist at 3M, returns to deliver his hugely popular seminar on how to master this printing sector and deliver an update on new developments in this area over the last two years.

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